2019- Sketchbook exhibition, LAA
Lock Works, LAA
Wilton Library, Wilton CT
2018- Black Light Experience, LAA
Stamford Museum & Nature Center " Then & Now"
University of Connecticut Art Gallery, Stamford, CT
Prince Street Gallery 10th National Juried Exhibition, NYC
Pleiades Gallery " Cabin Fever exhibit" NYC
Mayors Gallery "LAA 40" Stamford, CT
Bartlett Center, Stamford, CT
Life-Sized portrait drawing, LAA
2017- Lyrical Images, LAA
Holiday art, LAA
2016- Holiday Art Market, LAA
2016 Open Studios”, LAA
Sidewalk Gallery “Social Reverence” (Solo Show) -Norwalk, CT
Visions, The Klein Memorial Auditorium,-Bridgeport CT
The Exquisite Corpse, LAA”,
John Singer Sargent” Figurative Exhibition, LAA
Taller Latinoamericano “Candombe Trance” NYC
Gateway Community College “Latino Show”–New Heaven, CT
Watching the Clock” exhibition, LAA
2015- Candombe “Its Pain & Joy “solo show LAA
Exhibition at Bronxworks event NYC
Art Exhibition at the preview for “Neighbor Salam Documentary”
Rebirth Arts Festival
Art walk 2015, an exhibition at Palace Theater
2014- Up to the top art exhibition LAA
2013- Loft Artists Association- New Members Show
SOBOBO Gallery
2012– LAA Open Studios
LAA Holiday show
Sackler Gallery Palace Theatre- Latin Rhythms
Stamford Art Association-Far Away Places
Stamford Art Association - Faces and Figures Show (First Award)
Ferguson Library - Tropical Paradise (Honorable Mention)
Ferguson Library –Abstractions (First Award)
Co-Creator of LIBERART Artist Group www.liber-art.org
Co-Creator of “Having fun with Art”-Children’s painting Event -Governor Center
2011 - Stamford Art Association -Solo Show
Stamford Governor Center –Hispanic Heritage
Stamford Art Association – Far Away Places
Sheraton Hotel Stamford –Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Event
Greenwich Art Society – The Bendheim Gallery
2010 - WMCA Greenwich
Sundance Café- Artist Meeting
Commissioned Scenery for Traficantes de Febrero Theatre Group
Portrait commissioned for Daniele’s Family
Painting for Manos Del Candombe Non-Profit Organization
2009 - Westport Art Center
Sundance Café
Flynn Gallery Greenwich
Café 77 ( Arte musica y otros viajes show)
Bendheim Gallery
Bungalow Stamford (Arte y Notas Show)
UCONN Gallery
Tuckers Bar
Café Madeira
2008 - Solo Exhibition Mundo Astoria Queens
Commissioned portrait for Mrs. D. Babasick
Commissioned Landscape for Mrs. D. Babasick
2006-2009 Assistant for Photorealist Painter Steve Smulka
2006-2008 Silvermine Guild Arts Center (drawing, painting, color theory)
2007-2008 Greenwich Art Society (Painting)
2009 School of Visual Arts (painting, French academy technique)
2013-2016 New York Academy of Art (CFA on painting and drawing )